
Alberonero [black tree] is a designer, painter, sculptor, and sometimes a farmer. Born in Lodi (1991), he soon started experimenting with painting in relationship to the physical space through graffiti techniques. While studying Interior Design at the Polytechnic University of Milan, he had the chance to merge experience with theory and embrace a cross-disciplinary practice.  

His last project Campo [field] stems from his need to reset his being in Nature. From 2020 to 2021 he lived in symbiosis with a field of 290 poplar trees destined to be cut down, in the countryside of Campogalliano, Italy. Immersed amongst this ensemble of trees every day, he performed, created temporary installations, filmed, photographed, and interacted with the life of this environment: synthesis and symbol of nature as a whole. Artist states: “Trees are my companions and I wish to be a tree.” 

At Copper Leg residency Alberonero built a chair made of metal and grass. Equipped with wheels, it can accompany our movement in the landscape and suggest new experiences. It was used daily throughout his residency and symbolizes for the artist the desire to touch the landscape and take it with him. 

Open Doors Day / Mind Mappers Collective

Saturday 19.06.2021 / 13:30 – 16:00

You are welcome to the Copper Leg Art Residency open doors day at Rae schoolhouse starting at 13:30. From 14:00 to 15:00, the Mind Mappers collective from Finland will present their land-art piece, followed by an open-air picnic.

See you on Saturday!

The event is supported by: Tanker Brewery.
Event location:
Transport from Tallinn:

MIND MAPPERS COLLECTIVE (Sunna Kangas & Anu Nirkko)
Mind mapping is process art, where the environment affects how artwork is created or will degrade in time passing. One of the main topics of the Mind Mappers collective is the relationship between humans and nature.

At the Copper Leg Art Residency, Mind Map is adapted to the agrarian cultural environment. In the past, Mind Mappers have made works to the archipelago and urban environments. Mind Mappers earth art is a creative collective communication process where the focus is on circular processes in nature and on ecology in its many forms. Contemporary mandalas create endless thoughts of the time.

Sunna Kangas born 1974 in Helsinki. She is a conceptual textile artist. She is a Master of Arts from the University of Art and Design, Helsinki Finland, and Bachelor of Arts, the Institute of Art and Design, Vantaa Finland. Sunna Kangas is a member of the Finnish Artists’ Association (MUU) since 2005 and the Helsinki Artists’ Association (HTS) since 2004. She is also a founding member of the Finnish Association of New Textile Art (UUTE) and Artists O – a society of artists. She participates in the Garden Group and the artist collective Mind Mappers.

In her works, she focuses on the paradoxes of the consumer society. The aim is principally to examine the relation between the visible surface and the deeper, abstract levels.…/sunna-maaria-kangas

Anu Nirkko (b. 1961) is a Helsinki-based visual and performance artist. Anu Nirkko graduated as a visual artist from the MAA School of Art in 1999 and completed “Space and Art” specialization studies at Lahti University of Applied Sciences in 2004-2005.

Since 2000, she has been organizing group exhibitions and environmental art exhibitions for example in Kivinokka and Vartiosaari, Helsinki. As a performing artist, Nirkko has been a member of the “In Other Spaces” collective since 2015 as well she belongs to the Finnish Painters’ Association, MUU ry, the Helsinki Artists’ Association, the LaruArt environmental art association, and the artist collective Mind Mappers.

Nirkko’s production includes paintings, installations, and environmental art. She also uses drawing and photography as her tools. At the heart of Nirkko’s art are presence and encounters, with people as well as nature. In her work, she often deals with the customs, beliefs, and myths of different cultures.

Nirkko, Anu

Rodolfo Liprandi

Rodolfo Liprandi (b. Trieste 1994) it’s an Italian sculptor who graduated at the Academy of Fine Arts in Bologna and at the Academy of Fine Arts in Warsaw, Poland, where he currently lives.

A close union, a dialogue between man and nature takes place in Rodolfo Liprandi’s environmental art and Land Artworks, site-specific interventions of an installation feature that pay homage to the wild world.

The works created by assembling the branches collected in the surrounding environment, subject to the passage of time and weather conditions, participate in the cyclical nature of life to finally rejoin the earth.

From 2018 Liprandi has started various collaborations with entities such as nature reserves, associations, and festivals, creating installations with the aim of raising awareness and educating the viewer to respect and protect the nature that surrounds us.

To the delight of the inhabitants of Vaskjala, he created two statues, “The Guard of the Wormhole Road” and “The Crowned Head”, depicting several significant animals related to Estonian stories and myths, as well as the local area.

We will open the sculptures created by Rodolfo in Vaskjala at this MiniFest :

Examples of the artist’s work:

Open Doors Day / Alexander Kamelhair + Art Group Vedelik

Saturday, May 11, 2019
15:00 – 18:00 Open Doors Day at Copper Leg Art Residence
15:00 Art group VEDELIK (LIQUID) Spring Exhibition opening
16:00 Alexander Kamelhair – Opening of land art object opening

We invite you to participate in the opening of the Spring exhibition
by artist collective Vedelik at the Rae School House and the opening of Alexander Kamelhair’s land art object in the vicinity of Rae School House.

If the weather favors, we will continue at the Rae School House yard with a picnic and under the guidance of the artist collective Vedelik with sports games. Everyone will bring picnic food and drinks for themselves.

Art group Vedelik (EST)
Vedelik (Eng. Liquid) is one of the longest-lived art groups in Estonia’s contemporary art scene. The name selection meeting was held in 1995 at the Pegasus Cafe, with four participants. Since then, the group has regularly issued magazines and calendars, organized performances, meetings with interesting people, sports competitions, courses, meetings, trips, etc. In addition, music has been made (a disc for Liquid Electronics) and the group has also taken part in weddings ( Spring, autumn and other exhibitions have also been regularly held. In foreign relations, two main directions have been presented – Finnish and Irish. Group membership is diverse, innumerable and fluid.

Alexander Kamelhair (EST / USA)
Alexander is a metal artist from the United States of America, Texas. His work is largely material and process-based. He is particularly interested in the physical properties of materials and comparing their qualities with conceptual and formal negative space. Existential and ontological problems are a recurring motif in his practice.
He is currently finishing his MA studies at the Estonian Academy of Arts in Tallinn, where his work is inspired by research on the relationship between object-oriented ontology, alchemical practice, and Jungian psychology. Recent projects make very specific technical reference to traditional Estonian woodwork.
At Copper Leg Art Residency he is preparing a piece of land art “Five Railroad Sleepers Dreaming on a Gravel Bed”. Aesthetically, this work refers to works by American minimalists and site-specific artists such as Donald Judd and Carl Andre.

Artist website:

Event location: