Open Doors Day / Mind Mappers Collective

Saturday 19.06.2021 / 13:30 – 16:00

You are welcome to the Copper Leg Art Residency open doors day at Rae schoolhouse starting at 13:30. From 14:00 to 15:00, the Mind Mappers collective from Finland will present their land-art piece, followed by an open-air picnic.

See you on Saturday!

The event is supported by: Tanker Brewery.
Event location:
Transport from Tallinn:

MIND MAPPERS COLLECTIVE (Sunna Kangas & Anu Nirkko)
Mind mapping is process art, where the environment affects how artwork is created or will degrade in time passing. One of the main topics of the Mind Mappers collective is the relationship between humans and nature.

At the Copper Leg Art Residency, Mind Map is adapted to the agrarian cultural environment. In the past, Mind Mappers have made works to the archipelago and urban environments. Mind Mappers earth art is a creative collective communication process where the focus is on circular processes in nature and on ecology in its many forms. Contemporary mandalas create endless thoughts of the time.

Sunna Kangas born 1974 in Helsinki. She is a conceptual textile artist. She is a Master of Arts from the University of Art and Design, Helsinki Finland, and Bachelor of Arts, the Institute of Art and Design, Vantaa Finland. Sunna Kangas is a member of the Finnish Artists’ Association (MUU) since 2005 and the Helsinki Artists’ Association (HTS) since 2004. She is also a founding member of the Finnish Association of New Textile Art (UUTE) and Artists O – a society of artists. She participates in the Garden Group and the artist collective Mind Mappers.

In her works, she focuses on the paradoxes of the consumer society. The aim is principally to examine the relation between the visible surface and the deeper, abstract levels.…/sunna-maaria-kangas

Anu Nirkko (b. 1961) is a Helsinki-based visual and performance artist. Anu Nirkko graduated as a visual artist from the MAA School of Art in 1999 and completed “Space and Art” specialization studies at Lahti University of Applied Sciences in 2004-2005.

Since 2000, she has been organizing group exhibitions and environmental art exhibitions for example in Kivinokka and Vartiosaari, Helsinki. As a performing artist, Nirkko has been a member of the “In Other Spaces” collective since 2015 as well she belongs to the Finnish Painters’ Association, MUU ry, the Helsinki Artists’ Association, the LaruArt environmental art association, and the artist collective Mind Mappers.

Nirkko’s production includes paintings, installations, and environmental art. She also uses drawing and photography as her tools. At the heart of Nirkko’s art are presence and encounters, with people as well as nature. In her work, she often deals with the customs, beliefs, and myths of different cultures.

Nirkko, Anu