On Friday, 24th May 2024 17:00-21:00 Open doors day at Copper Leg Art Residency. Art presentation by Katharina Hamp and Kathrin Lambert.
Spring is smoothly turning into summer at Copper Leg Art Residency. We will open the doors to provide insight into the artistic work of Katharina Hamp (1996) and Kathrin Lambert (1987) from Germany. Their creative work primarily focuses on the medium of sound.
The paths of Lambert & Hamp crossed during their studies at the Hochschule der Bildenden Künstler Saar (GER). Their shared interest in the media of sound and performance brought them together artistically for the first time in a group performance within the Sound Art Atelier. As members of the Experimiance Festival organisation team, they also share an interest in creating cultural offerings and building a network of artists. As part of the Copperleg residency, the two artists also pursued individual work approaches in addition to their joint sound performance and field recording projects.
Kathrin Lambert (*1987, Germany) studied Fine Arts at HBKSaar from 2012 to 2018 with a semester abroad at the Academy of Arts in Tallinn (EST) and a subsequent masterclass with Prof Andreas Oldörp (2018-2020). Prior to this, she trained as a media designer and continues to work in this field. In 2022 she completed her Master’s degree in Cultural Management. Kathrin Lambert lives and works in Saarbrücken.
On the one hand, at the Copperleg Art Residency, Kathrin Lambert created new technical components for the instruments, such as a MIDI controller. On the other hand, the artist has been working on the creation of digital compositions that process the field recordings and mix them with synthetic sounds. Lambert’s general artistic drive is based on an interest in what already exists. The utilisation of what she has found and the transformation or further development of this is part of her practice.
Katharina Hamp (*1996, GER) B.A. Fine Arts is currently studying for a Master’s degree in International Media Cultural Work (IMC) at Darmstadt University of Applied Sciences. At the moment she is mainly working on 3D soundscape compositions. She is also part of the experimental ambient, drone project _._ meta _._. She also worked on the field recording project Umwelt, which will be exhibited together with Dirk Dullmaier at Kunstverein Bad-Dürkheim on 31.05.24.
Reedel, 24 Mai 2024 17:00-21:00 Avatud uste päev Copper Leg Loomeresidentuuris. Loomingu esitlus Katharina Hampi ja Kathrin Lamberti poolt.
Kevad on Vaskjala Loomeresidentuuris sujuvalt muutumas suveks. Avame uksed, et anda ülevaade sakslannade Katharina Hampi (1996) ja Kathrin Lamberti (1987) loomingust. Nende loometöö keskendub eelkõige helikunstile.
Kaane pilt: foto Ott Kattel ja graafiline kujundus Janno Bergmann Piltid: Niina-Anneli Kaarnamo
Thursday, 25th April 2024 17:00-21:00 Open doors day at Copper Leg Art Residency. “I am a many” residency sharing by Sanghoon Lee and Sebastian Talmar.
Spring 2024 arrived in Copper Leg Art Residency together with two resident artists, Sanghoon Lee and Sebastian Talmar. Korean choreographer Sanghoon Lee (1988) and Estonian theatre maker Sebastian Talmar (1993), first met in STL (Sõltumatu Tantsu Lava, Independent dance theater) in 2019, Tallinn. They saw an opportunity to challenge traditional theatre norms by exploring hidden layers and possibilities of light, movement and space. “I am a many” project in Copper Leg Art Resinency is an extension of that encounter.
“I am a many” residency sharing
Lee`s and Talmar`s project `”I am a many” involves creating mycological theater which is constructed and inspired by fungi.
During their residency period Lee and Talmar explored how to sculpt a room to facilitate a performance centered around a dialogue between the seen and unseen. They aim to create a space that allows the audience to contemplate how the world of fungi can inspire us. There will be an exhibition of their process, a Work-in-progress performance show, conversation, and space for mingling.
Header Foto/사진: Ott Kattel Graphic design/그래픽 디자인: Janno Bergmann Foto/사진: Niina-Anneli Kaarnamo Event was supported by TANKER https://tanker.ee/
Neljapäeval, 25. aprillil 2024 17:00-21:00 Avatud uste päev Copper Leg Loomeresidentuuris. “I am a many” loomingu esitlus Sanghoon Lee ja Sebastian Talmari poolt.
Kevad saabus Copper Leg Loomeresidentuuri koos kahe residentkunstniku, Sanghoon Lee ja Sebastian Talmari, saabumisega.
Korea koreograaf Sanghoon Lee (1988) ja Eesti teatrikunstnik Sebastian Talmar (1993) kohtusid esmakordselt STL-is (Sõltumatu Tantsu Lava) 2019. aastal Tallinnas. Nad nägid võimalust traditsiooniliste teatri normide väljakutsumiseks, uurides valguse, liikumise ja ruumi varjatud kihte ja võimalusi. “I am a many” projekt Copper Leg Loomeresidentuuris on selle kohtumise laiendus.
“I am a many” loomingu esitlus
Lee ja Talmari projekti “I am a many” raames luuakse müko-teatrit, mis on ehitatud ja inspireeritud seentest.
Oma residentuuri ajal uurisid Lee ja Talmar, kuidas skulpteerida ruumi etenduse toetamiseks, mis keskendub dialoogile nähtava ja nähtamatu vahel. Nad kavatsevad luua ruumi, mis võimaldab publikul kaaluda, kuidas seentemaailm meid inspireerida saab. Toimub nende protsessi näitus, töödemonstratsioon, vestlus ja aeg suhtlemiseks.
Foto/사진: Niina-Anneli Kaarnamo Sündmust toetas TANKER https://tanker.ee/
2024년 4월 25일 목요일 17:00-21:00 Copper Leg Art Resinency 오픈 데이. 이상훈, 세바스찬 탈마의 ‘I am a many’ 가 레지던시 공유를 할 것입니다.
이상훈, 세바스찬 탈마 두 명의 입주작가와 함께 Copper Leg Art Resinency에 봄이 찾아왔습니다. 한국 안무가 이상훈(1988)과 에스토니아 연극인 세바스티안 탈마르(1993)는 2019년 탈린 STL(Sõltumatu Tantsu Lava, 독립 무용극장)에서 처음 만났습니다. 그들은 숨겨진 레이어와 빛, 움직임, 공간의 가능성을 탐구함으로써 전통적인 연극 문법에 도전할 수 있는 기회를 보았습니다. Copper Leg Art Resinency의 “I am a Many” 프로젝트는 그러한 만남의 연장선입니다.
“I am a many” 레지던시 공유
이상훈과 세바스찬 탈마의 프로젝트 “나는 많은 사람이다”는 균사체에 의해 구성되고 영감을 받은 마이콜지컬 극장을 제작하려 합니다. 레지던시 기간 동안 두 작가는 보이는 것과 보이지 않는 것 사이의 대화를 으로 공연 할 수 있는 공간을 만드는 방법을 탐구했습니다. 그들은 관객이 균사류의 세계가 우리에게 어떻게 영감을 줄 수 있는지 생각해 볼 수 있는 공간을 만드는 것을 목표로 합니다. 이번 레지던시 공유를 통해 프로젝트 과정을 전시하고, 진행 중인 작업을 선보이는 퍼포먼스와 소통의 공간이 마련될 예정이다.
New winds will blow in Copper Leg Residency. Current coordinator Erik Alalooga will face new challenges and place will be taken over by Niina-Anneli Kaarnamo! Historic moment will be celebrated with mindblowing performance by current resicent Jussi Saivo and soon-not-coordintaor-any-more Erik Alalooga.
Jussi Saivo is a finnish sound-artist with Theatre-Academy education. Headlines: Brutal Sounds and Harsh Movements from Finland / Obscure study and portrait of everyday life and death / Voyage to the dark matter and beyond
Keywords: Love / Death / DIY / Folklore. Sound artist working internationally with variety of media. Bringing the arts of mesmerization and self-hypnosis into daily practice.
Avatud uste päev: Jussi Saivo (FIN) & Erik Alalooga + Rahumeelne võimuhaaramine Vaskjalas Pühapäeval 24 märts 2025
Vaskjala Loomeresidentuuris hakkavad puhuma taas uued tuuled. Praegust koordinaatorit Erik Alaloogat on ootamas uued väljakutsed ning 1. aprillist võtab tema koha üle Niina-Anneli Kaarnamo. Pidulik võimu üleandmine toimub eeloleval pühapäeval ning sel puhul sünnib seninägematuja ennekuulmatu heliline moodustis, mille autoriteks on resident Jussi Saivo ning varsti-enam-mitte-koordinaator Erik Alalooga.
Jussi Saivo on teatriakadeemia haridusega soome helikunstnik ja eksperimentaalmuusik. Oma loomingulistel teekondadel tumedasse mateeriasse ja veel sügavamalegi kasutab ta sõiduvahenditena armastust, surma, DIY metoodikat ning põhjala folkloori. Eesti alternatiivsema maitsega publik teab teda metsikust rühmitusest Sabotanic Garden, mis viimati esinest Tallinnas aasta tagasi festivalil “Seintel on kõrvad”.
“All I do is get up and down repeatedly.” “I’m here stitching memories with desires, then wearing them for days.” “In, ah, in what context do you want me to answer this question?” “I’ve heard no movement and I’ve had scratchy low quality Swan Lake on blast.” “The attic, I went there very shortly, ‘cos it’s fucking cold. And, ah, I think it is part of how I handle as well maybe my own subconscious. Suddenly I just shiver.”
You’re welcome to join us for an afternoon inside this house. This house’s structure hasn’t much coherency. Its attic sits on the same level as its toilet and kitchen. Its kitchen clock chatters completely out of time. Its bedroom is in the roof. Its shower spits dirty water. You have to climb across the bed in the dark to reach the light switch. Our plan to live here coughed out absence. We keep being reminded that no body functions individually. We are testing bits and pieces of material. If you’re in the mood for bits and pieces, ciders but nostructure, living and error, some mice, door is open.
A Body To Dwell forms an international team of multidisciplinary artists and a continuously rearranging site-specific project that plays with centralizing the audience member for intimate, interactive and multimodal performance on the spaces we inhabit, inside and outside of us.
SEREN OROSZVARY (AUS) has performed in numerous theatre, screen and performance projects across Australia, Europe and the UK. She works as a voice over artist for commercials, film and experimental projects. Her own practice is multimodal, interested in tiny details and writing/crafting phenomenologically. She’s into warping poetics with environmental sciences, buildings and memory. Since completing the Masters in CPPM at EMTA, Seren continues to slowly and meticulously design A Body To Dwell.
LEA BLAU (CRO) artist and performer, from Croatia, residing in Tallinn, where she obtained her MA degree in Contemporary Physical Performance Making from the Estonian Academy of Music and Theatre. With a background in theatre, Lea delves into themes of identity, paganism and the dynamic between tradition and modernity, infusing her work with the personal / political / symbolic / surreal. Lea is currently practicing jewellery in the “Artist in residence” program at EKA’s jewellery and blacksmithing department.
SAMUEL SKOOG (UK/NZ) performer, writer and producer. Sam has worked with the National Theatre of Scotland, The Lyric Hammersmith and fringe theatre makers across the UK, Estonia and New Zealand. In his own practice, Sam explores the intersection between the individual, the environment and narrative forces through performance, myth and poetry. His poems are published in Wet Grain and Goodbye Scarecrow and his play, Bucket Men, was shortlisted for the Scottish Arts Club Theatre Awards at the 2018 Edinburgh Fringe Festival.
STEFANO MATTOZZI (ITA) Italian sound artist, electronic composer, improviser and vocalist. Stefano’s aesthetic is linked to the connection between the human body and new technologies, and to the intrinsic modalities and functions of the two worlds. His artistic exploration revolves around the integration of human technology and nature, utilising a variety of mediums, with an emphasis on the physical characteristics of sound.
SAMSON COX-VINELL (UK) filthy bastard who likes chaos. Actor from London, Samson has performed with Almeida Theatre and Stratford East Theatre on stage. His work is primarily on screen in Disney’s “Andor – Star Wars” series, Young Wallander on Netflix and Sam Mendes’ “1917”. Samson also works as a VO Artist, recently recording for a new gaming series. Through creativity and performing, he plays and aims for that combination of truth and jeni se qua.
Avatud uste päev: A Body To Dwell Pühapäeval 17 mäts
“Kõik millega ma tegelen, on lõputult korduv üles tõusmine ja pikali heitmine.” “Ma olen siin, õmmeldes mälestusi kokku soovidega, et neid siis päevade kaupa kanda.” “Millises, ah, millises kontekstis sa tahad, et ma sellele küsimusele vastaksin?” “Ma ei ole kuulnud mingit liikumist ja mul on kriipiv madalakvaliteediline Luikede järve vinüül.” “Läksin pööningule ainult korraks, sest seal on kuradi külm. Ja, ah, ma arvan, et see on osa sellest, kuidas ma pean hakkama saama enda alateadvusega. Ja järsku ma lihtsalt värisen.”
Olete oodatud veetma koos meiega pärastlõunat selles majas. Selle maja struktuur ei ole eriti loogiline. Pööning asub samal tasandil kui tualett ja köök. Köögi kell tiksutab täiesti suvalist aega. Magamistuba on katusekorrusel. Dušš sülitab roostevett. Sa pead pimedas üle voodi ronima, et jõuda valguslülitini. Meie plaan siin elada realiseerus hoopiski läbi puudumise. Meile tuletatakse pidevalt meelde, et ükski keha ei toimi individuaalselt. Me katsetame materjali tükkidega. Kui teie meeleoluga sobivad tükid ja siider, aga mitte struktuur, elamine ja eksimine ning mõned hiired, siis on uks teile avatud!
A Body To Dwell on rahvusvaheline multidistsiplinaarsete kunstnike rühmitus ja pidevalt ümberkujundav kohaspetsiifiline projekt, mis kutsub publiku liikmeid intiimsetesse, interaktiivsetesse ja multimodaalsetesse ruumidesse, kus me ise elame. Nii sisemisse kui välimisse ruumi.
SEREN OROSZVARY (AUS) on esinenud arvukates teatri-, video- ja etenduskunsti projektides Austraalias, Euroopas ja Ühendkuningriigis. Ta töötab häälekunstnikuna reklaami-, filmi- ja eksperimentaalprojektide juures. Tema loominguline praktika on multimodaalne, ta on huvitatud pisikestest detailidest ja fenomenoloogilisest kirjutamisest/töötlemisest. Ta ühendab poeesiat keskkonnateaduste, hoonete ja mäluga. Alates magistriõppe lõpetamisest EMTA-s CPPM osakonnas, jätkab Seren aeglaselt ja hoolikalt A Body To Dwell’i kujundamist.
LEA BLAU (CRO) on Tallinnas elav Horvaatiast pärit kunstnik ja etendaja. Ta omandas magistrikraadi CPPM erialal Eesti Muusika- ja Teatriakadeemias. Teatri taustaga Lea süveneb teemadesse, mis käsitlevad identiteeti, paganlust ning traditsiooni ja modernsuse vahelist dünaamikat, lisades oma töödesse isiklikku/poliitilist/sümboolset/sürrealistlikku. Lea tegeleb praegu ehtekunstiga “Artist in residence” programmis EKA ehte- ja sepakunsti osakonnas.
STEFANO MATTOZZI (ITA) Itaalia helikunstnik, elektrooniline helilooja, improviseerija ja laulja. Stefano esteetika on seotud inimkeha ja uute tehnoloogiate vaheliste seostega ning nende kahe maailma sisemiste toimimisviiside ja funktsioonidega. Tema kunstiline uurimishuvi on koondunud tehnoloogia ja looduse integreerimisele, kasutades selleks erinevaid meediume, keskendudes heli füüsilistele omadustele.
SAMUEL SKOOG (UK/NZ) on esineja, kirjanik ja produtsent. Sam on töötanud koos Šoti Rahvusteatriga, The Lyric Hammersmith´iga ning fringe-teatri tegijatega Ühendkuningriigis, Eestis ja Uus-Meremaal. Oma praktikas uurib Sam indiviidi, keskkonna ja narratiivsete jõudude ristumiskohti läbi etenduse, müüdi ja poeesia. Tema luuletusi on avaldatud kogumikes Wet Grain ja Goodbye Scarecrow ning tema näidend „Bucket Men“ kandideeris Šoti kunstiklubi teatriauhindadele 2018. aasta teatriauhindade kategoorias Edinburgh Fringe festivalil.
SAMSON COX-VINELL (UK) on enda sõnul räpane värdjas, kellele meeldib kaos. Londonist pärit näitleja Samson on esinenud Almeida teatri ja Stratford East Theatre’i lavadel. Teda võib ekraanil näha Disney seriaalis “Andor – Star Wars”, Netflixi filmis “Young Wallander” ja Sam Mendesi filmis “1917”. Samson töötab ka VO-kunstnikuna, hiljuti tegi ta salvestuse uuele mängusarjale. Läbi loovuse ja esinemise mängib ta tõe ja sõnastamatuse kombinatsioonidega.
This Open Doors Day at the Copperleg Art Residency is part of a larger collaborative project involving 8 members of the Estonian residency network LOORE and funded by Nordic Culture Point. The aim of the project is to enable Ukrainian artists to spend two months in Estonian creative residencies.
Andrei Kovalevskiy was born in Odessa, Ukraine. He is a composer and live performer in the genres of electronic, contemporary classical, experimental, avant-garde, and field recording. His primary objective in creating music is to immerse the listener in a volumetric space where sounds interact as living beings with their wills, motivations, and desires. Andrei’s compositions aim to create conditions for self-discovery and concentration on gaining new experiences. It will be a listening session for an album called “Presence” released in 2023. Andrei prefers to envision presenting this music in the intimate setting of a listening session, and he is delighted to have the chance to bring that vision to fruition. The album has a duration of approximately 20 minutes.
Diana Derii is a Ukrainian multimedia artist who specializes in the field of media art. She began her practice in 2019 and has since focused on video art, video installation, light installation, performance, and generative art. Diana’s work is characterized by a deep exploration of geometric forms and the interactions between light and darkness, as well as the relationships between humans and the spaces they inhabit. Her work often uses projected imagery, light, and sound to create immersive, multi-sensory experiences for viewers. In the upcoming open door event in Copper Leg, she plans to showcase her latest experiment with materials and provide additional insights into her artistic practice.
Avatud uste päev: Andrei Kovalevskiy & Diana Derii Reedel 9 veebruaril 2024
Seekordne Avatud uste päev Vaskjala Loomeresidentuuris on osa suuremast koostööprojektist, milles osaleb 8 Eesti loomeresidentuuride võrgustiku LOORE liiget ning mida rahastab Nordic Culture Point. Projekti eesmärk on võimaldada Ukraina kunstnikel viibida kahe kuu jooksul Eesti loomeresidentuurides.
Andrei Kovalevskiy on sündinud Ukrainas Odessas. Ta on helilooja ja live-esineja elektroonilise, kaasaegse klassikalise, eksperimentaalse ja avangardistliku muusika ning välisalvestuse žanrites. Tema esmane eesmärk muusika loomisel on sukeldada kuulaja mahukasse ruumi, kus helid suhtlevad kui elusolendid oma tahte, motiivide ja soovidega. Andrei kompositsioonide eesmärk on luua tingimused eneseotsinguteks ja keskendumiseks uute kogemuste omandamisele. Avatud uste päeval leiab aset 2023. aastal ilmunud albumi “Presence” ühine kuulamine. Andrei eelistab ette kujutada selle muusika esitamist kuulamissessiooni intiimses keskkonnas ja ta on rõõmus, et tal on võimalus seda visiooni ellu viia. Albumi kestus on umbes 20 minutit.
Diana Derii on Ukraina multimeediakunstnik, kes on spetsialiseerunud meediakunstile. Ta alustas oma tegevust 2019. aastal ja on sellest ajast alates keskendunud videokunstile, videoinstallatsioonile, valgusinstallatsioonile, performance’ile ja generatiivsele kunstile. Diana töödele on iseloomulik geomeetriliste vormide ning valguse ja pimeduse vastastikmõjude, samuti inimeste ja nende poolt asustatud ruumide vaheliste suhete sügav uurimine. Tema töödes kasutatakse sageli projitseeritud pilte, valgust ja heli, et luua vaatajatele kaasahaaravaid, multisensoorseid kogemusi. Eelseisval avatud uste sündmusel Vaskjala Loomeresidentuuris kavatseb ta tutvustada oma viimaseid materjalidega tehtud eksperimente ja anda täiendavaid teadmisi oma kunstipraktikast.
22. detsembril esitles Portugali kunstnik Inês Nêves Vaskjala Loomeresidentuuris oma uut etendust “kallis eestimaa”.
Nêves on elanud 4 aastat Eestis, kus ta lõpetas 2021. aastal EKA magistriõppe. Sellest ajast alates on ta arendanud loovuurimist, mis tegeleb inimeste tõhusate ja afektiivsete suhtetega erinevate kohtadega. Performance, mida ta Vaskjalas esitas, puudutas tema viimast projekti kohaspetsiifiliste performance’ide sarjast, mis keskendub kodu ja identiteedi ideedesse oma põlvkonna pideva mobiilsuse sündroomi kontekstis.
Inês Nêves (1995) on transdistsiplinaarne kunstnik, kelle loomingus põimuvad performance, kujutav kunst ning aeg-ajalt ka tekstikunst ja uus meedia. Ta on esitlenud oma loomingut näitustel, performance’ides, festivalidel ja residentuurides Portugalis, Hispaanias, Rootsis ja Eestis. Ta on oma uurimistööd tutvustanud rahvusvaheliselt ka vestlustes, loengutes, haridusprojektides, konverentsidel ja publikatsioonides. Aastal 2022 pälvis ta noorte loojate riiklikul näitusel (Portugal) maalipreemia. Paralleelselt on ta kaasloome ja integreerinud erinevaid kuraatorite ja kultuuriprogrammide kollektiivseid projekte, mis asuvad Portugalis ja Eestis. Inêsil on bakalaureusekraad kommunikatsioonidisaini erialal FBAUPist (Porto, Portugal) ja magistrikraad tekstiilikunsti ja -disaini erialal Eesti Kunstiakadeemiast. Lisaks on tal mitteformaalne haridus akrobaatikas, klassikalises balletis, kaasaegses tantsus ja graafikas.
On December 22, Inês Nêves from Portugal presented her new performance “dear eestimaa,” at the Copperleg Art Residency.
The Portuguese artist Inês Nêves lived for 4 years in Estonia, where she graduated with a master’s degree from EKA in 2021. Since then, she has been developing artistic research about the effective and affective relationship humans share with places. The performance she presented at Copperleg concerned her latest project from a series of site-specific performances dealing into ideas of home and identity in the context of her generation’s syndrome of constant mobility.
Inês Nêves (1995) is a transdisciplinary artist whose work merges performance, plastic arts, and, occasionally, text-art and new media. She has participated in exhibitions, performances, festivals, and residencies in Portugal, Spain, Sweden, and Estonia. She has also presented her research internationally in talks, lectures, educational activities, conferences, and publications. In 2022, she was awarded the Painting Prize at the Young Creators National Showcase (Portugal). In parallel, she has co-created and integrated various curatorial and cultural programming collective projects based in Portugal and Estonia. Inês has a bachelor’s degree in Communication Design from the FBAUP (Porto, Portugal), and an MA in Textile Art and Design from EKA (Tallinn, Estonia). Additionally, she holds informal education in acrobatics, classical ballet, contemporary dance, and graphic arts.
Reedel, 1. detsembril astus publiku ette Vaskjala resident, muusik ning kunstnik Lauri Lest. Tema elektroonilise muusika live-kontserdil tuli esitusele nii värsket ja veel avaldamata kui ka vanemat materjali. Kuulda sai residentuuri ajal salvestatud helidest komponeeritud helimaastikke ning kohalikest legendidest inspireeritud muusikat.
Lauri Lest on muusik ning heli- ja performance’i-kunstnik. Muusikuna loob ja esitab ta atmosfäärilist elektroonilist muusikat ning on avaldanud kaks stuudioalbumit: ”Duality” (2020) ja “Affect/Reflect” (2022), ning muusikavideo singlile “Moulded” (2021). Ta on muuhulgas esinenud moeshow-l XVII Disainiöö & DiMa avapauk (2022), KUMU-s Kaarel Kurismaa näitusel “Kollase valguse orkester” (2018), Kukemuru Ambient festivalil (2019) ja KÕU elektroonilise muusika festivalil (2019).
Lauri kui kunstniku peamisteks töövahenditeks on leidesemed, vibratsioonikõlarid ning heli- ja videotöötlustarkvara. Tema loomingut iseloomustab melanhoolsus, seisundilisus ja eksperimentaalsus, tihtipeale ka huumor. Aastal 2023 lõpetas ta Eesti Kunstiakadeemia skulptuuri ja installatsiooni eriala.
Musician, artist and resident at Copper Leg, Lauri Lest, performed his solo concert at our residency on December 1. His electronic music concert consisted of completely fresh music and also older pieces. Audience could hear soundscapes composed of recordings captured at the residency and music inspired of the local legends.
Lauri Lest is a musician and sound and performance artist. He creates and plays atmospheric electronic music and has released two studio albums: ”Duality” (2020) and “Affect/Reflect” (2022). In 2021 he released a music video for his single “Moulded”. He has played at different festivals and art exhibitions.
As an artist, Lauri works with different found objects, vibration speakers and sound and video editing software. His art can be described as melancholic, dreamy, experimental and sometimes comical. He holds a degree in sculpture and installation from the Estonian Academy of Arts.
Vaskjala Loomeresidentuuri ja Galerii Metropol koostöö toimus sedakorda aastahitt Füürer Praissi avamisel, kus resident Lauri Lest astus üles teosega “Kvintett”.
“Kvintett LO-FI” on Lauri Lesta edasiarendus tema Eesti Kunstiakadeemia lõputööst “Kvartett”. Spetsiaalse helitehnika abil äratati ellu Metropoli ruumides vedelev kola. Vannist, pasunast ja muudest esemetest moodustus ansambel, mis esitas just neile loodud muusikat.
Lauri Lest loob muusiku ning heli- ja videokunstnikuna installatsioone ja esitab performance’id. Töövahendite ning materjalidena kasutab ta peamiselt süntesaatoreid, kaameraid ja leidesemeid. Ta tegeleb live-helimanipulatsiooni ja ka videomontaažiga. Tema loomingut iseloomustab melanhoolsus, seisundilisus ja eksperimentaalsus, vahel ka huumor. Ta eelistab tiimitööd individuaalsele lähenemisele ning tihtipeale kaasab oma loominguprotsessidesse teisi kunstnikke ja inimesi muudelt erialadelt.
November 25, 2023
Cooperation between Copper Leg Art Residency and Gallery Metropol came into effect in opening vernissage of annual event “Füürer Praiss”. Our resident Lauri Lest performed his hit-piece “Quintet LO-FI”
“Quintet LO-FI” is Lauri Lest’s developed version of his graduation work “Quartet” from the Estonian Academy of Arts. With the help of a special sound technique, the junk lying around in the Metropol’s premises was brought to life. An ensemble was formed from a bathtub, a trumpet and other objects, performing music created especially for them.
As a musician and sound and video artist, Lauri Lest creates installations and performances. His tools and materials are mainly synthesizers, cameras and found objects. He also works in live sound manipulation and video montage. His work is characterised by a melancholic, conditioned and experimental approach, sometimes with a touch of humour. He prefers teamwork to an individual approach and often involves other artists and people from other disciplines in his creative processes.
3. november 2023
Odessast pärit muusik Oleksii Lupashko esitleb residentuuri jooksul tehtud helieksperimente.
Oleksii Lupashko on muusik, kellel on 10-aastane kogemus erinevates eksperimentaalmuusika valdkondades. Tal on kõrgem muusikaline haridus (trummid, orkestri löökpillid). Viimastel aastatel on ta aktiivselt eksperimenteerinud elektroonilise muusikaga.
Esinenud rahvusvahelistel avangardmuusika festivalidel. Nüüd mängib eksperimentaalelektroonika underground-bändides, millele on lisatud akustilisi instrumente. Lupashko on loonud ja produtseerinud ainsa audiovisuaalse etenduse Ukrainas, kus kasutati vedelat valgusshow’d ja glitch-mikserit.
Vaskjala residentuuri jooksul on Oleksii Lupashko eksperimenteerinud erinevate traditsiooniliste puhkpillidega, süntesaatoritega, no-input-mixeriga ja feedbackidega.
Oleksii Lupashko, a musician from Odessa, will present sound experiments made during his residency.
Lupashko is a musician with 10 years of experience in various fields of experimental music. He has a higher musical education (drums, orchestral percussion). In recent years he has been actively experimenting with electronic music.
He has performed at international avant-garde music festivals. Now playing experimental electronics in underground bands with acoustic instruments. Lupashko has created and produced the only audiovisual performance in Ukraine using a liquid light show and glitch mixer.
During his residency at Copper Leg, Oleksii Lupashko has experimented with various traditional wind instruments, synthesizers, no-input mixers, and feedback.
Vaskjala Loomeresidentuuri ja Galerii Metropol koostöö jätkus Odessa muusiku Oleksii Lupashko kontserdiga. Tema etteastet soojendas kohalik artist A.m.Poogen.
See on veidi karvasem ja tsenseerimata versioon eksperimentaal-instrumentaalsest sooloprojektist A.M.Poogen, kus Aldo Mett otsib avastamata helimaastikke – laseb ebaharilikul moel kõlada traditsioonilisi ning traditsioonilisel moel ebaharilikke pille.
Muu hulgas ambientist, trip hopist, industriaal- ja mürarokist inspireeritud, kuid siiski žanripiire ignoreeriv, massiivsetest ja tumedatest või õhulistest ja säravatest kihtidest loodav kinemaatiline atmosfäär viib kuulaja rändama Eesti, Skandinaavia ja ugrimugri pärimusmuusika radadele.
Oleksii Lupashko on muusik, kellel on 10-aastane kogemus erinevates eksperimentaalmuusika valdkondades. Tal on kõrgem muusikaline haridus (trummid, orkestri löökpillid). Viimastel aastatel on ta aktiivselt eksperimenteerinud elektroonilise muusikaga.
Esinenud rahvusvahelistel avangardmuusika festivalidel. Nüüd mängib eksperimentaalelektroonika underground-bändides, millele on lisatud akustilisi instrumente. Lupashko on loonud ja produtseerinud ainsa audiovisuaalse etenduse Ukrainas, kus kasutati vedelat valgusshow’d ja glitch-mikserit.
Second night of cooperation between Copper Leg Art Residency and Gallery Metropol brought to stage Oleksii Lupashko from Odessa and local artist A.m.Poogen.
It’s a slightly hairier and uncensored version of the experimental instrumental solo project A.M.Poogen, where Aldo Mett explores undiscovered soundscapes – making traditional instruments sound unusual and unusual instruments sound traditional.
Inspired by ambient, trip hop, industrial and noise rock, among others, yet ignoring genre boundaries, the cinematic atmosphere created by massive and dark or airy and shiny layers takes the listener on a journey through Estonian, Scandinavian and Ugrian-Mugrian folk music.
Lupashko is a musician with 10 years of experience in various fields of experimental music. He has a higher musical education (drums, orchestral percussion). In recent years he has been actively experimenting with electronic music.
He has performed at international avant-garde music festivals. Now playing experimental electronics in underground bands with acoustic instruments. Lupashko has created and produced the only audiovisual performance in Ukraine using a liquid light show and glitch mixer.