Open doors day / Katarzyna Pitek / Jonathan Stavleu / Guest performers

Saturday, April 1, 2023 

13:30 – 16:30 Open doors day at the Copper Leg Art Residency. Katarzyna Pitek and Jonathan Stavleu present their art. Guest performers are Erik Alalooga and Janno Bergmann.

Katarzyna Pitek is a painter from Poland. Her works are primarily figurative paintings. Thus, the main subject is a human treated sketchily, marked only with color spots or a barely outlined line. For her, an oil painting is like a quick note, an impression.  

In September 2022, she defended her artistic diploma with honors at the Faculty of Fine Arts of the Nicolaus Copernicus University in Toruń. In addition to painting, she is also fascinated by artistic glass. Her diploma consisted of the main part – glass works “Notes on explorations” and from the painting cycle “Movements”. 

At the Copper Leg Art Residency, she’s working on a large-format painting that will record her stay here.

Jonathan Stavleu is a Dutch artist. His practice is mostly focused on making site-specific installations. For the Copperleg Residency, he wants to explore the relationship between archeology and abandoned industrial structures. Possibly leading to old 20th-century structures being displayed in an archeological context. 

The guest performers will be this time Erik Alalooga and Janno Bergmann. Tandem presents the cooperation project “Cleaning Voice” born in January at the Copper Leg Art Residency.

See you on Saturday! 

The event is supported by: Tanker Brewery 

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Open doors day / John McGarity

Sunday, December 18, 2022
13:30 – 16:30 Open doors day at the Copper Leg Art Residency / John McGarity’s installation presentation.

John McGarity is an American visual artist based in Brooklyn, New York. His work utilizes multiple mediums including painting, video, photography, and multi-media installation.  

“197: Order of the Old Line” is a series of works that have been developing for over 20 years now. The work is couched in a folklore-driven narrative. His process involves researching different regional folklore and mythology for elements that he collects and processes through his experiences and visual cues to develop his own narrative allegories. The intent of his research is to find common elements that are found in different provincial storytellings and how the use of colloquial symbology and pictorial depictions help inform an ethos and virtue within specific communities and what are the nuanced elements that are common with other regional communities around the world, both contemporary and historical. For his project at Copperleg Artist Residency, McGarity has created a multimedia installation loosely based on the Estonian folklore character Vanatühi and his küüntest kübar (a hat of fingernails that he believes makes him invisible). John has used these ideas to inform his character Vance Tooey, an old and rarely seen man that lives out on the edge of the town Mallet Creek, along the Falu Bogs, where he makes his clay ocarinas. For the people of Mallet Creek, his rare and mysterious presence is the subject of rumor, curiosity, and fear as no one really knows much about him beyond anecdotal sightings and stories. 

See you on Sunday! 


The event is supported by: Tanker Brewery 

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Open doors day / Anders Bergman / Tina Kohlmann

Saturday, November 26, 2022  

13:30 – 16:30 Open doors day at the Copper Leg Art Residency/presentation of Anders Bergman and Tina Kohlmann artworks. 


Anders Bergman is a Swedish artist who has lived and worked primarily in Helsinki since 2000. Bergman’s art practice is a journey through diverse fields of installation, painting, music, sounds and social environments – in which he investigates energy across a vast array of forms. He conceives of music and other forms of sound as a sort of “floating architecture”, and in turn, he often thinks of paintings and installations as “frozen music”. 

At Copper Leg art residency Bergman is working on an upcoming installation work that will be presented in Helsinki next summer. The installation work will consist of a series of collage works made from found semitransparent architect drawings which will be displayed on the gallery windows. 

Artist’s website: 


Tina Kohlmann is a German artist living and working in Frankfurt. Her work presents artifacts, ideas, and stories. Inspired by traces of shamanic practice she slowly crafts her very own mythology through a semi-anthropological approach, mixed with a degree of pop cultural aesthetics. The resulting worlds are suspended between nature and culture, legends, and facts, found and fictional objects. The works often suggest functionality as ritual objects, yet they do not answer the question of who might be using them, or which kind of ceremonies they are meant for.  

At Copper Leg Art Residency Kohlmann is creating a latch hook rug and ceramics in relation to her research on Estonian folklore, mythology, and magic. 

Artist’s instagram: 

See you on Saturday!


The event is supported by: Tanker Brewery 

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Open doors day / Kiwa

Sunday, October 2, 2022

13:30 – 16:30 Open day at the Vaskjala Art Residency / Opening of the Kiwa’s exhibition Graphic Scores.

KIWA is an Estonian multichannel artist, pioneer of contemporary experimental art since 1990s. He has been participating in more than 400 exhibitions and festivals around the world, including Moderna Museet, (Malmö, Sweden), Tate Modern (London, UK), Stedelijk (Amsterdam, Netherlands), the Kitchen (NYC, US). He actively explores and blends different media, all together functioning as a hypertextual research of meaning-making and cultural codes, collective and personal myths.

At the Copperleg Art Residency, he deals with writing, including asemic writing, i.e. graphic scores, which is a gray area between writing, visual art and music.

See you on Sunday!


The event is supported by: Tanker Brewery

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Open doors day / Elsa Mencagli / Nienke Fransen / Kris Sahlholdt

Sunday, August 14, 2022
13:30 – 16:30 Open doors day at Copper Leg Art Residency / Art presentations by Elsa Mencagli, Nienke Fransen, Kris Sahlholdt.

Elsa Mencagli (DK/IT) is a multimedia artist currently based in Italy. She holds a Bachelor’s from Aarhus School of Architecture (Denmark, 2016) and a Master of Fine Art in Performing Arts from Iceland University of the Arts (Iceland, 2019). As a multimedia artist, she creates and thinks across media, from sculptural installation to video and performance. Through practices of attentive listening and attunement to both the body and the environment, her creative work takes form in the attempt to reveal and make felt what often remains unnoticed. She is interested in crafting conditions to experience diverse modes of encounter that may create shifts in perception and propose different modes of inter-relation. Her work is often situated in a specific environment, becoming with and within it.

At Copper Leg Art Residency she explores the poetics of a language emerging within a structure of threads and stones, being with what remains of verbal language when translated into other materials. It becomes rhythm and form, matter and void, a silent composition, a trace of words. In bringing the act of writing into the landscape, she started to think about the relation of the human with the land through that lens. In how when writing into the land, the land writes itself into our being. Further reflecting on how the humans and the land are interwoven in the fabric in constant becoming.

Artist website:
Instagram: @elsa_mencagli


Nienke Fransen (BE) is a sculptor and audiovisual artist combining traditional with contemporary techniques. Through working primarily with wood and video she tries to figure out human relations: interested in nature/nurture, she wonders which way these influences go, where they start, and where they end. At Copper Leg Art Residency Fransen made stained glass works that reflect on this context that surrounds and shapes you, and on the green and urban gardening in cities, the green that is so abundant in Vaskjala.

Instagram: @niznke


Kris Sahlholdt (b. 1996, Copenhagen) is a Danish interdisciplinary artist who makes sculptural work directed by a performative thinking process.

Kris’s recent projects have been based on an interest in making collaborations with non-human entities and environments, as a way of reestablishing deep and meaningful relationships with nature. Building relationships takes time and for this reason, the techniques of traditional skills are often incorporated into the practice. Traditional ways of making are often slow, and repetitive and allow for a deeper appreciation of the material and its unique characters.

For the Copper Leg Art Residency, Kris wanted to make woven structures out of locally sourced materials. Specifically, with an interest in applying the traditional technique of fence-weaving to the art pieces. Having long been frustrated by the ways in which modern fences, perhaps as much psychologically as physically, separates humans and non-humans from interacting with each other, the artist wanted to (re)create a structure inspired by traditional wattle fences with an emphasis on reconnecting with the wild – within nature and within ourselves.

Artist website:
Instagram: @krisaasahl


See you on Sunday!

The event is supported by: Tanker Brewery
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Open doors day / Alberonero / Teresa Lane / Maya Simkin

Sunday, July 17, 2022 

13:30 – 16:30 Open doors day at Copper Leg Art Residency / Art presentations by Alberonero, Teresa Lane, Maya Simkin. 

Alberonero [black tree] is a designer, painter, sculptor, and sometimes a farmer. Born in Lodi (1991), he soon started experimenting with painting in relationship to physical space through graffiti techniques. While studying Interior Design at the Polytechnic University of Milan, he had the chance to merge experience with theory and embrace a cross-disciplinary practice.  

His last project Campo [field] stems from his need to reset his being in Nature. From 2020 to 2021 he lived in symbiosis with a field of 290 poplar trees destined to be cut down, in the countryside of Campogalliano, Italy. Immersed amongst this ensemble of trees every day, he performed, created temporary installations, filmed, photographed, and interacted with the life of this environment: synthesis and symbol of nature as a whole. Artist states: “Trees are my companions and I wish to be a tree.”  

At Copper Leg residency Alberonero built a chair made of metal and grass. Equipped with wheels, it can accompany our movement in the landscape and suggest new experiences. It was used daily throughout his residency and symbolizes for the artist the desire to touch the landscape and take it with him. 

Teresa Lane is from Brisbane, Australia, and has studied jewelry art both in Melbourne and Tallinn. In 2008 she had an epiphany in Kyoto that her purpose in life is to be an object maker. In recent years she has been living and working in Barcelona, Spain. She has since realized the importance of making art in life and has returned to start a project to make dream weapons. She wants to play with the line between our conscious world and the unknown world of our dreams, to create weapons to take into nightmares to protect, empower, and rewrite the narrative.

Maya Simkin grew up nearby Chicago, USA, and is studying American jurisprudence at law school and Talmud with a queer Yeshiva. Maya desires practices of surrender and devotion, spiraling towards liberation. During the stay at Copper Leg, Maya will design an outdoor communication device, inspired by water lilies, to exalt breath. 

See you on Sunday! 

The event is supported by: Tanker Brewery 

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Facebook event:

Open Doors Day / Philippine Vidart / Katrin Enni


Sunday, December 19, 2021
14:00 – 16:45 Open doors day at Copper Leg Art Residency / Art presentations by Philippine Vidart & Katrin Enni.

Philippine Vidart aka ‘finu’ is a French illustrator whose universe is defined by its contradicting nature as it is both tragic and comic, wonderful and dark, childish and serious. It is populated by strange beings and hybrid structures inspired by popular traditions and folkloric tales. Through the staging of situations and environments, she encourages her audience to make their own interpretations and see relatable subjects within these elements. During her time at the Copper Leg Art Residency, she explores the subject of burnout as a conundrum of our modern work system through installation works and drawings inspired by Estonian folklore.

Katrin Enni is an installation and sound artist based in Tallinn. She studied installation and sculpture at the Estonian Academy of Arts and obtained a master’s degree in contemporary art.
In her artistic practice, she mainly creates kinetic and interactive sound installations. She has also been fascinated by drawing and illustration in the past. During her stay at Copper Leg Art Residency, she wants to bring these practices together and experiment with ways to develop ideas for creating sound objects through drawing and working with visual images.

See you on Sunday!

The event is supported by: Tanker Brewery
Event location:
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Open Doors Day / Natalia Kondratenko / Eneli Valge

Saturday 13.11.2021 / 14:00 – 16:30

You are welcome to the Copper Leg Art Residency Open Doors Day at Rae Schoolhouse, an event where artists Natalia Kondratenko and Eneli Valge will present their artworks.

Natalia Kondratenko was born in 1989 in Domodedovo (Russia), studied video art at the Rodchenko art school and photography at Moscow polytechnical college of Mossovet. Now she is currently based in Tallinn, Estonia.
Most often Natalia uses mockumentary self-portraits with personal things and objects created by using various techniques and materials. The most frequent topic is duality (for example, the duality of man as a being created by nature and formed by society and technology), the formation of a new mythology, the relationship of modern with ancient, technologies with magics.

At Copper Leg Art Residency, she works with black and white photography and experimentalizes with engraving on stones found near the site. Created objects refer to the idea of the relationship between the digital and physical worlds, the consumption of virtual services, and their impact on the real environment.

Eneli Valge, a freelance artist and designer from Tartu. Lived and worked in Tallinn from 1991 to 2018. She received her art education at the Tartu Art School, defended both her bachelor’s and master’s degrees at the Estonian Academy of Arts, and improved her professional skills at the Department of Visual Arts and Design at the Utrecht University of the Arts in the Netherlands.
Eneli has been working as an artist since 2003. She has made installations and conceptual objects, curated exhibitions and organized art projects, created illustrations, book designs, and murals, participated in exhibitions both in Estonia and elsewhere. Worked as an art teacher and lecturer. Long-time copying of historical portraits in a Finnish private manor. Dedicated to digital processing and oil painting in recent years.
To the Copper Leg Residency, she came to look for isolation in order to focus and start painting the works of the next solo exhibition. The exhibition project deals with light in space – an interior or a city space that is designed by a human. Space is also the inner state of man. The artist’s desire is to create inner peace, a state of silence, a halt in time in the viewer. Four paintings are completed at Copper Leg, where a large empty studio with large windows brought the creator to the right wave. In addition to trying to capture light and shadow in her work, she is inspired by a quote from Goethe – where there is a lot of light, there are also strong shadows. There will be a sad emptiness in the paintings of the exhibition at first glance, the viewer will be in the room as if alone. Light comes from somewhere and a shadow falls. But something creates emotion in this fluid and makes you wonder – what’s going on here!? However, the artist leaves it to the viewer to meditate.

See you on Saturday!

The event is supported by: Tanker Brewery
Transport Tallinn-Vaskjala:
Tarnsport Vaskjala-Tallinn:

Open Doors Day / Sarah Nõmm / Aureelia Mitt / Sandrine Deumier

Saturday 09.10.2021 / 13:30 – 16:30
You are welcome to the open day of the Copper Leg Art Residency at Rae schoolhouse. From 13:30, guests can get acquainted with the activities of the creative residency. After that, from 14:00 to 16:30, artists Sarah Nõmm, Aureelia Mitt, and Sandrine Deumier will present their artworks.

Sarah Nõmm was born in 1998 in Tallinn, studied installation and sculpture at the Estonian Academy of Arts, and is the winner of this year’s Young Sculptor Award.

In her art practice, she mainly deals with the (woman’s) body and the social/mental/physical space in which it is positioned. The range of topics concerns the myths, taboos, and everyday rituals that accompany the body.
For her, a residency is a place of shelter – afar from everyday chaos, where she can work, being away from institutional professionalism. In the creative process, she tries to discover, experiment, and let herself be inspired by her surroundings.

At Copper Leg Art Residency, she uses different techniques as well as materials. Engaging in traditional artisan practices – collecting consumables from nature, dyeing textiles, and weaving on looms. In all of this, she is interested in the ritual and performative aspect that accompanies the work process. Through these ancient practices, the artist tries to make sense of what it means to exist as a human being and to have a body. The body, which is our only point of contact and at the same time our separation from the rest of the world.

Artist’s website:


Aureelia Mitt is an Estonian artist based in Tallinn. She has a BA in Art Practice degree from the University of South Wales and an MA in Sustainable Design degree from Kingston School of Art. Her landscape paintings are a composition of memories, mixed with photographic references and the artist’s own dreams and imagination. At Copper Leg Residency she creates paintings on old, discarded doors and found objects.

The series of paintings created at the residency is called ‘Wormholes have not been spotted yet’.

Artist’s website:


Sandrine Deumier (FRA) is a pluridisciplinary artist working in the field of performance, poetry and video art whose work investigates post-futurist themes through the development of aesthetic forms related to digital imaginaries. She explores the intersection between digital art and sound poetry, focusing on the issues related to technological change and the performative place of poetry, conceived through new technologies.

Her work has been exhibited in contexts such as Japan Media Art Festival (JP) 2021, NRW Forum (DE) 2021, Akousma Festival, MTL-Connecte, SAT (CA) 2021, Trondheim Electronic Arts Centre (NOR) 2020, Cube Fest Cyclorama – Moss Arts Center and The Institute for Creativity, Arts, and Technology (USA) 2019.

At Copper Leg Art Residency, she will work on an immersive virtual environment focused on emotional and visual experimentation with other modes of relationship between humans and non-humans.

Artist’s website:


See you on Saturday!

The event is supported by: Tanker Brewery
Event location:
Transport Tallinn-Vaskjala:
Tarnsport Vaskjala-Tallinn:

Open Doors Day / Mind Mappers Collective

Saturday 19.06.2021 / 13:30 – 16:00

You are welcome to the Copper Leg Art Residency open doors day at Rae schoolhouse starting at 13:30. From 14:00 to 15:00, the Mind Mappers collective from Finland will present their land-art piece, followed by an open-air picnic.

See you on Saturday!

The event is supported by: Tanker Brewery.
Event location:
Transport from Tallinn:

MIND MAPPERS COLLECTIVE (Sunna Kangas & Anu Nirkko)
Mind mapping is process art, where the environment affects how artwork is created or will degrade in time passing. One of the main topics of the Mind Mappers collective is the relationship between humans and nature.

At the Copper Leg Art Residency, Mind Map is adapted to the agrarian cultural environment. In the past, Mind Mappers have made works to the archipelago and urban environments. Mind Mappers earth art is a creative collective communication process where the focus is on circular processes in nature and on ecology in its many forms. Contemporary mandalas create endless thoughts of the time.

Sunna Kangas born 1974 in Helsinki. She is a conceptual textile artist. She is a Master of Arts from the University of Art and Design, Helsinki Finland, and Bachelor of Arts, the Institute of Art and Design, Vantaa Finland. Sunna Kangas is a member of the Finnish Artists’ Association (MUU) since 2005 and the Helsinki Artists’ Association (HTS) since 2004. She is also a founding member of the Finnish Association of New Textile Art (UUTE) and Artists O – a society of artists. She participates in the Garden Group and the artist collective Mind Mappers.

In her works, she focuses on the paradoxes of the consumer society. The aim is principally to examine the relation between the visible surface and the deeper, abstract levels.…/sunna-maaria-kangas

Anu Nirkko (b. 1961) is a Helsinki-based visual and performance artist. Anu Nirkko graduated as a visual artist from the MAA School of Art in 1999 and completed “Space and Art” specialization studies at Lahti University of Applied Sciences in 2004-2005.

Since 2000, she has been organizing group exhibitions and environmental art exhibitions for example in Kivinokka and Vartiosaari, Helsinki. As a performing artist, Nirkko has been a member of the “In Other Spaces” collective since 2015 as well she belongs to the Finnish Painters’ Association, MUU ry, the Helsinki Artists’ Association, the LaruArt environmental art association, and the artist collective Mind Mappers.

Nirkko’s production includes paintings, installations, and environmental art. She also uses drawing and photography as her tools. At the heart of Nirkko’s art are presence and encounters, with people as well as nature. In her work, she often deals with the customs, beliefs, and myths of different cultures.

Nirkko, Anu